About Us

About Manson Dental

Welcome to Manson Dental. For over 50 years Manson Dental has been a staple of the community. While it has changed names and dentists, someone has always been there for you. Dr. Jordan M. Moffitt knew the importance of keeping this resource available and we are elated to be part of the community.

There is a legacy of high-quality dentistry that follows these dentists. Dr. Moffitt started practicing in Eagle Grove with his father, Dr. Mike Moffitt. Who has passed on his expertise of comprehensive dentistry of implants, dentures, and restorative dentistry.

Our office offers a full spectrum of dental care. We look forward to being part of your healthy life!

If you have any questions about how we can care for your teeth & mouth, please don’t hesitate to call us at (712) 469-3000. Thank you!

Image Manson Dental


1303 11th Ave,
Manson, IA 50563

Office Hours

MON - FRI8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed